Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Senior 4 English Language Arts - Language and Literacy

Parameters of the Transactional Focus:

Emphasizes pragmatic purposes and texts

Listening, Reading, and Viewing
-- texts to which students listen and those they read and view are approximately 70 percent pragmatic in purpose and 30 percent aesthetic.
-- pragmatic texts range from technical communication to biography and documentary.
-- aesthetic texts used within the transactional focus can be used for pragmatic purposes (e.g. a novel can be used for historical info or a music video can be analyzed as a marketing tool)
-- texts are selected not because they are pragmatic in mode, but because they can be approached for pragmatic purposes.
-- demonstration of metacognition in employing reading strategies.
-- texts that are pragmatic in purpose may invite a narrower range of responses than aesthetic texts, however, readers are still engaged in constructing meaning.
-- students examine the meaning they make of a text by analyzing the elements that contribute to it; meaning is shaped by the reader's affective response, prior knowledge, prior experience with texts, and cultural values in addition to the medium, purpose, and context of the reading experience.

Speaking, Writing, and Representing
-- students can produce texts that are pragmatic in purpose.
-- texts can represent a wide range of forms & media (e.g. documentaries, reviews, memos, speeches, feature articles, essays, debates, web sites).
-- texts can maintain a pragmatic purpose while using an aesthetic language.
-- the requirements of audience and purpose shape all aspects of the texts students produce: content, form, medium, organizational structure, voice, language register, and diction.
-- students learn to express themselves clearly, logically, and with an intended effect, and to select a tone and language register appropriate to their purpose.
-- students learn elements of design and formatting, including the use of sidebars, graphics, diagrams, maps, tables, and glossaries.

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